Member Summary
The Health Chain Member Summary Data mart is a specialized, centralized repository of data designed to drive member-level insights, including but not limited to; encounters, diagnoses, demographics, costs, allowed amounts vs. paid amounts, facilities and more!
Table | Column | Datatype | Description |
hc_patient | patient_id | varchar | Unique identifier for each patient |
hc_humanname | given | varchar | Patient's first name |
hc_humanname | family | varchar | Patient's last name |
hc_patient | birth_date | date | Patient's date of birth |
hc_patient | gender | varchar | Patient's gender |
hc_patient | race | varchar | Patient's race |
hc_encounter | encounter_id | varchar | Unique identifier for the encounter. |
hc_encounter | encounter_start_date | date | Date when the patient was admitted. |
hc_encounter | encounter_end_date | date | Date when the patient was discharged. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_code | varchar | Admission source code for the encounter. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_display | varchar | Admission source description for the encounter. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_code | varchar | Admission type code for the encounter. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_display | varchar | Admission type description for the encounter. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_code | varchar | Discharge disposition code for the encounter. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_display | varchar | Discharge disposition description for the encounter. |
hc_encounter | length | number | The length of stay for the encounter. |
hc_condition | condition_id | varchar | Unique identifier for the diagnosis. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_code | varchar | Primary diagnosis code. |
hc_codeableconcept | codeableconcept_display | varchar | Description of primary diagnosis code. |
hc_extension | ms_drg_code | varchar | The MS-DRG code associated with the inpatient visit. |
hc_extension | ms_drg_description | varchar | The MS-DRG description associated with the inpatient visit. |
hc_extension | apr_drg_code | varchar | The APR-DRG code associated with the inpatient visit. |
hc_extension | apr_drg_description | varchar | The APR-DRG description associated with the inpatient visit. |
hc_organization | organization_id | varchar | Unique identifier for the facility. |
hc_organization | name | varchar | Name of the facility. |
hc_claim | claim_id | varchar | Unique identifier for the claim. |
hc_claim_item | net | float | The total paid amount across all claims. |
hc_claim_item | total_allowed_amount | float | The total allowed amount across all claims. |
hc_claim_item | total_charge_amount | float | The total charge amount across all claims. |